People care passionately about the natural beauty of the island. I will protect our natural heritage and move to a zero waste, circular economy. Improve water, air and soil quality by minimising use of pollutants, in particular carbon:

  • Modify regulations to require better insulation of all buildings - homes, office, shops, and public spaces. Offer a grant scheme to get this started. This will also reduce energy bills.

  • Accelerate move to carbon free transport by legislating to phase out vehicles that burn fossil fuel. Replace the government fleet with electric vehicles, or where practical use car sharing schemes instead. 

  • Invest in shared transport: hydrogen fuelled buses running more frequent services. Establish a car scrapage scheme which gives a bus pass & credits for car share use. 

  • Introduce a coherent island-wide recycling system, including the collection of food waste,  so that waste that has been carefully separated by islanders is no longer simply re-combined and incinerated. Increased municipal composting 

  • Increase local food production by rate cuts for actively farmed land so that less of what we eat is flown or shipped in

  • Accelerate the switch to electricity from oil and gas through tax incentive programme. JEC profits to be directed to conversion programme over 3 year period. 

  • Secure investment in wind generation as a power source.